sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020



I think Storyjumper provides an useful and fun tool for students to write, especially for those who consider writing a boring task.This time I didn't prepare a writing group activity as I preferred students could work individually and grow autonomous using this tool by working on an easy activity to start with.I addition , I think that when working in groups  not all memembers in the group contribute to the final product as much as they should and my studnets prepared the work at home.(in  my school , half of the computers in the Computer Room don't work ).

Students in the 2nd ESO prepared a personal booklet where they could provide any kind of information about htemselves. I gave them some tags they could introduce in their works ( family, school, favourites, hobbies, trips, friends, free time , etc ....) and I showed them all the possibilities of the tool in class.( designing of characters, using pics and audios and props, etc.. ). I think the main learning objectives were developing the writing skill by using both grammatical structures and vocabulary they already knew ( what made them feel confident ) and the freedom the tool provides to create their own products by making use of their imagination and artisitic skill, contributing this way to the students' artisitic competence and their autonomy . Students loved especially the feeling of freedom to create something not feeling fixed to a provided model and the posssibility to share information about themselves  with other students in the class so they could both value the design of their  " little pieces of art" (as they referred to them) and comment on their personal information
( students tend to be very gossipy).

Next time I would like to try group writing but so far as I hadn't ever tried this tool and I thought it was  a better idea to start with somehting simple , not too much time consuming and hard to organize for me and the students.

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