lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020


This entry supposes the last activity of the course. I must say it has been quite interesting as well as all the tools and apps we have learnt about and put in practice to make fun and different activities in our lessons.
 Although in this last part I am supposed to choose a course  mate's activity to do in my own class;  I won't be able to do it as unfortunately our country is going through a very tragic moment and our  lessons at schools  have been cancelled for some weeks. However if  I had to choose one I would have liked to carry out  a very good activity  called " Bullying with Edpuzzle" that I found in "My English blog" by Alicia Robles , a secondary English  teacher .
She proposes a listening activity and a speaking follow up through a video by two young singers
( Bars and Melody) who participated in Britain's Got Talent in 2014 with a song about Bullying . No doubt  I would do this activity  with my students as it can help them raise awareness of Bullying and how it can affect victims. Needless to say that the activity would also help my students to develop both their listening and speaking skills through a topic quite close to them.

Here it is the link to the Edpuzzle activity :
and "My English blog":

1 comentario:

  1. The first thing that called my attention while zapping blogs is your classic use of the British flag and imagery to attach to your blog and I thought, well, the Big Ben and red phone boxes, I´m about to see an English language blog. Other than that, which is obviously a joke, I like the way your blog is organized and the fact that you´ve have chosen Edpuzzle for your final task. By the way, the video with the two English youngsters rapping against bullying is fantastically implemented with Edpuzzle. Good job Judith!
