domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020


I have chosen these videos of a hotel reservation as the topic of the unit I am working on at the moment in one of my classes is about travelling and tourism. I think the language used in these videos and conversations are necessary for any international traveller or tourist abroad. I want my students to get familiarized with both the vocabulary and expressions of a real conversation in a hotel reception when checking in so that they can feel competent and fluent linguistically speaking as future travellers if the find themselves in a situation like the ones in the videos.
The lesson plan involved 3 stages :
Pre-activity: At home, students looked for typical expressions and vocabulary which take place when doing the check-in in a hotel. Once in class, they discussed the most typical ones and were written on the board for them to remember and check. My intention with this part or stage was flipping the activity and make students interact with new material for homework first, this way they started working on the listening activity with some ideas about the type of language they were exposed to.
During-activity: Students visualized 2 videos and did some fill in the gaps and multiple choice activities about the information in the videos.
Post-activity: In pairs students made up and wrote a brief dialogue including the expressions learnt in relation to a hotel reservation and check-in .In the following lesson,  students role played their dialogues and voted the most realistic and authentic ones.

I personally believe that the advantage of this listening activity based on adapted videos is that students watch real life situations learning by themselves the language they will listen to ; what helps them for a better understanding and knowledge of real language in use in a more entertaining and dynamic way . In addition, from a didactic point of view , these videos are a great  and useful source of  material to prepare and work on varied pre, during and post activities and follow up ones with an oral and written content involved to be evaluated.
The part the students and  I   liked the most was the role play session, as apart from the laughs and fun of watching peers to role play , it was the moment to check the way the students put in practice the content learnt in simulated real life situation making also use of extra elements as pose, gesture, tone, pronunciation, attitude from what I could evaluate the respect an value students gave to the FL as a vehicle of communication.

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