lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020


These two are the blogs  I have chosen to comment.
 I like the first  blog created by Rocio because it is simply arranged. I find it easy to search for anything in it . The format is easy , simple  but nice .But what I like the most is  the endless material and resources for children she includes in the blog.It  is quite complete ; what makes me think  this teacher has been using this blog for some time. I can't say any negative about this blog, well ; maybe just one thing ....I feel envious of the amount of work  Rocio has already got to include in her blog  , guess the process took time and time is something precious she has obviously invested in her blog. Great job  Rocio !

Another blog I would like to mention is that one designed by Rafa, a primary English teacher.It is also simply arranged and quite clear at first sight.All the activities carried out in this couse are included and perfecly developed and explained  with very good reflections.Not anything negative to mention apart from the fact that although I like the activities he proposes , he is a primary teacher and I am a secondary one so not all the activities he used could be done in my classes. Anyway, good job Rafa!

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